Hotline InetPhoto Contest 2014 : +33 (0)650958979 - concours-photo@inet-mineral.com
Form Vote INETPhotos Contest 2014
Choose your preferred 3 photos from + to -: Numbers Photo
Options anonymous voting
Validation of votes
How to vote?

1 -  The votes will only be available on the form for the contest from May 31, 2015, including social networks..

2 - Each voter will fill out the form and will choose whether or not, to vote anonymously

3 - Each voter will select the 3 photos he prefers from + to -

4 - Participants can vote for themselves or another participant

5 -  Each voter can only vote one time for its three favorite photos

Microminerals Category
Your Name
Your first name
Your Email
1st photo
2nd picture
3rd picture
Postal Code